Final event: Freight Transport in Milan’s Large Logistics Region. A Glimpse at our Future

Da Thu Oct 05 12:18:00 CEST 2023 a Fri Oct 06 12:18:00 CEST 2023 - METREX expert group conference - Milan 5-6th October 2023

Since the advent of e-commerce, the logistics sector has been undergoing a structural and rapid transformation. The pandemic has accelerated this process, and European metropolitan regions, which play a central role in economic development through territorial coordination, can support decision-making processes aimed at locating exchange hubs.
For this reason, since fall 2022, the Metropolitan City of Milan has initiated a process to develop a Urban Plan for Sustainable Logistics enriched by an exchange and international comparison, thanks to the collaboration of the network of European metropolitan regions, METREX ( .

On October 5th and 6th, these institutions have presented the results of this process to the attention of all interested stakeholders, inviting them to deepen and share good practices with particular reference to the issues of socio-economic sustainability, infrastructural development and new technical-professional skills required by a rapidly expanding production system.

During the first day of the event, held at Palazzo Isimbardi, the institutional headquarters of the Metropolitan City, METREX colleagues logistics experts from all over Europe presented their perspectives on the Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan, providing examples of good practices of their metropolitan cities. At the same time, the drafting of the Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan as a coordination tool for the implementation of strategies and actions aimed at the development of logistics was praised by international guests.

At the end of the first day of work, Marco Griguolo, Councillor for Mobility, and Jakub Mazur, President of the METREX Association and Mayor of the Polish city Wrocław, paid tribute to the conclusion of this shared journey through the signing of a commemorative parchment.

On the second day, the meeting, hosted at the MIND Innovation District (Milan Innovation District), a regeneration project for the Expo 2015 headquarters (, prominent figures from the Milan logistics region presented current issues, advantages, and critical matter of freight transport in the metropolitan area and its connections with Europe. The need to engage in an integrated vision and implement forms of supra-level coordination and multi-governance were emphasized by all the actors of the territory present. The event ended with the promise, made by the speakers present at the discussion table, to further deepen the topic covered, considering its importance and complexity, as soon as there will be opportunities.

Documents of the interventions of the first day:

Intervention(.pdf)  - Metropolitan City of Barcellona - Marc Iglesias           

Intervention(.pdf) - Metropolitan City of Oslo - Hans Martin Amboo

Intervention(.pdf) - West Midlands Region - Sandeep Shingadia

Intervention(.pdf) - Province of South Holland - Frederik Zevenberg 

Intervention(.pdf) - Rhine - Alpine Corridor - Thomas Hertel

Documents of the interventions of the second day:

Intervention(.pdf) - Bocconi University - Oliviero Baccelli

Intervention(.pdf) - Uniontrasporti - Antonello Fontanili

Here to see the videos of the interventions of the speakers and their interviews.

In the next days futher documents will be here published, offices remain available for additional information.

Italian version

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