The Road of the Abbeys is a touristic itinerary that promotes the area of Milan and its province, as well as two parks: Parco Agricolo Sud and Parco del Ticino.
The aim of the project is to develop the cultural sites along the Road of the Abbeys including art, nature, food and wine heritage.
• Civic museum Angelo Comolli in Morimondo opens every fourth sunday a month.
• Ancient Mill of Chiaravalle: workshop, bread-making and herbalist courses, events, birthday parties, tematic days, guided tours. Curated by Associazione culturale Koinè.
• Monk's Valley: guided tours for schools and groups to Nocetum historical village and the Valley. Curated by Associazione culturale Nocetum.
• Greedy Navigli: food and wine fair dedicated to the local traditional cooking.
• Abbiategusto: a three days food and wine fair located in three historical places in tiny Abbiategrasso town.
Data creazione: Wed Nov 30 10:57:14 CET 2016