FAIR - Fostering Apprenticeship sharing Ideas and Resources

PROGRAMME:  Erasmus+ 

PERIOD: 24 month from 1st october 2016

Budget Metropolitan City of Milan: € 65.671,44

• Formaper Milano (capofila)
• ECOLE, Milano
• Città metropolitana di Milano
• CCI Giurgiu Romania
• AJOFM Giurgiu Romania
• European Academy, Romania
• CCI Valencia, Spagna
• IDEA, Municipalità di Alzira, Spagna
• Associazione imprenditori Alzira, Spagna


General Aims: FAIR means Fostering Apprenticeship sharing Ideas and Resources both at transnational level, allowing the cooperation and the exchange of practice/models/results among partners, and at local level, through the creation of territorial synergies with the active involvement of key actors; joining their efforts and starting to talk each others, they can design and undertake successful strategies and actions. Our project arises from these two strictly interrelated perspectives. Their synergy colud represent a way to face a common problem of the three involved countries: the resistance of SMEs in using apprenticeship. FAIR aims at empowering capacities and potentialities of the involved Chambers of Commerce that will become collectors of ideas and resources, and will be territorial landmarks for stakeholders and esterprises that will received direct support services and indirect benefits.

For metropolitan City of Milan: Metropolitan City will be committed to playing by providing all the support of knowledge and concrete collaboration that will be developed in times of coordination, the realization of the project actions, with particular reference to the identification of a quality expert and the drafting of a report its innovation made by the project.


• Creation of permanent territorial Think Thanks to address policies & strategies;
• Collection/enhancement of territorial and national resources such as informative and guidance supports, databases and tools, programmes for in-company trainers, etc;
• Creation of a permanent link between education and employment organizations, aimed at matching skills needs and training programmes;
• Building smar and user-friendly support services dedicated to enterprises; information and pratical guidance support, individual coaching, linkage with training organizations, availability of training programmes for in-company tutors;
• Organization of national awarness campaign focused on the spreadinf og a “new image” of apprenticeships, inspired by the history and oriented to the present/future;
• Creation of a “FAIR Brand” that evokes ethical meanings and that will be linked to the social responsability policies.



 » PROJECT  (file .PDF  209 KB)





 » Italian version





Ultimo aggiornamento: 19 April 2018
Data creazione: 15 December 2016

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